The Institution of Electrical Engineers Code of Practice for "In-Service Inspection and
Testing of Electrical Equipment" states that the following electrical equipment should be
inspected and tested on a regular basis,
maintenance of the above equipment. We make use of the Seaward Supernova
Portable Appliance Tester (PAT) linked to our electronic database.
The advantage of using a PAT is that all the following tests can be carried out using one test instrument,
equipment will soon need to be re-inspected. Again not all equipment needs to be
inspected every three months, the type of equipment will decide the re-inspection dates,
and this can vary from three months to 24 months.
Testing of Electrical Equipment" states that the following electrical equipment should be
inspected and tested on a regular basis,
- Portable Electric Tools
- Fixed Electrical Equipment- instant water heaters, fridges, lathes, cutters,
- Portable Electrical Equipment - kettles, toasters,
- Extension Leads
maintenance of the above equipment. We make use of the Seaward Supernova
Portable Appliance Tester (PAT) linked to our electronic database.
The advantage of using a PAT is that all the following tests can be carried out using one test instrument,
- Earth Continuity Test
- Earth Bond Test
- Insulation Resistance Test
- Earth Leakage Test
- Flash Test
equipment will soon need to be re-inspected. Again not all equipment needs to be
inspected every three months, the type of equipment will decide the re-inspection dates,
and this can vary from three months to 24 months.